“Hi, Good afternoon”

“Good afternoon” She replied, adjusting her straight face.

“Are you Deborah?”


“Nice to meet you roomie”

“Your name?” She managed a smile with her mouth full of biscuits.


“God use this one to take care of me, right?” Feyikemi smiled in amazement. She dragged her box from the door, took a deep breath, tried to get a grasp of the room to stay comfort related.

“Are you Yoruba?”

“No, I’m Akwa Ibom”

“How come you fearlessly understand Yoruba like this? You’re so confident with the language”

“Somehow, all my friends are and I found myself in a very funny secondary school. Nice to meet you Feyikemi, have a Good night.”

Feyi smirked, “all this Mrs. Principle sefshe thought to herself. The Holy Spirit nudged her to caution. “Just like that! You’re off to sleep?” A part of Feyi liked to know why people acted the way they did or see the why behind people’s insecurities, it paved ways for understanding. God was teaching her to imbibe the culture. Loving God meant loving people and she had God’s love for people shut up in her bones; it was super hard to resist it.

 “Yes, that’s what you get for coming late. We had the choice of arriving at the same time but you missed your flight to miss a long day companion."

“Wahala for who no come early oo”

They laughed out. She had thoughts running through her mind. One of which was the freedom at which Feyi spoke. A kind of boldness often captured her heart, that of Feyi qualified as one. She thought about her sins, about her family, about God; why He would have her be in hell.

“God please, I’m sorry again for all the sins I’ve committed. Please Forgive me. I know you’re good, despite all my wrongs Lord, you still keep being good. God, I’m not worthy to receive all that you’ve given to me.”

She sniffed her nose, withholding mucor. Laid down sideways, backing Feyi.

“It’s your smile for me.” They were dressed for their first training, curious to meet their mates. The girls had watched each other snore at sundry times. Feyi’s snore stretched and thickened so much that it got Deborah on a standing ovation. It took a few seconds to bring Deborah to the realization that she had her feet glued to the floor. Her hands ensured her mouth suppressed a provoked laughter. Thanks to her alarm; timely enough to bring her to the dawn on her position. 

We should talk about that of Deborah: her inconsistent snore fixed a turmoil on Feyi’s rest. Just when Feyi would think the snoring was over, Deborah would obstruct her rest with a loud drag.

She blushed back, shyly agreeing.

“Thank you.”

“Have you ever told Him you love your smiles?” 

Feyi knew. She heard her prayers, more like eavesdropped when she heard her breath go a bit loud and sudden. She couldn’t wait for them to be back from their training school, it was her initial plan but the burning love of God triggered words. The devil was making a fool of a soul God was obviously crazy about. When Feyi stepped into the room and had her first look at Deborah, she couldn’t help but wonder at the light of God shining through her.



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